Me & Hilary Weeks

Joni Ellis,Brenda Woodruff,Krista Beal, Kiera Elledge,Me,Kari Grubbs

Building we all meet in plano texas, we had over 1800 women attend.
I was able to attend Time out for Women (If you have never been I highly recommend it). It a time for us Women to be up lifted and to fill the spirit.. Our message was "Infinite Hope" Friday night me and 5 other sister was able to take off and ENJOY the night. We headed to dinner then we where off to fill the spirit. Friday night was able to hear "Virgina Hinckley Pearce (Speaker),Michael McLean(Song Writer),Mark Mabray (Photographer)" speak to us. Just let said by the end of it I had my prayers answered , All of us was crying. I was so filling to my heart. We headed to get some goodies, off to are hotel to get some shut eye's. Saturday Morning up at 6;45am Breakfast, off to get more heart felt messages. We was able to hear "Hilary Weeks(Song Writer),Deanne Flynn(Writer),Emily Freeman(Writer),Wendy Ulrich(Writer),Mariama Kallon (Experiences of her life),Brad Wilcox (Writer). It's been a long time sense I was able to feel the spirit so Strong. What a Blessing we have to have People out there to come a spend time with us and to share there humble experiences and testimony's. I so grateful that I have a husband that works so hard for me our kids to make sure we are happy. I so blessed to have healthy children. And at the end of the day they love mommy. I'm so grateful to be married to Bill in the temple knowing that I will be with Bill forever, that death not the end of the fairytale. I'm so humble to have the gospel, to be able to have a little part of Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ with me all the time, Just a humble Experience being able to to attend this meeting and be remind how Blessed I'm to family,Mom&Dad having taking so much of there time to make sure I came out OK, Mom & Dad Staheli welcoming me in there family with opening heart, raised just a Worthy Priesthood holder. All my brother and Sister (both's side) what a example they have been to me. At the end of the day FAMILY what matter.. And most of all I'm grateful that a have a Savior in my life that me love even with I mess up, and He there to hold my hand all the way!!! That I'm never alone.