It's been a little crazy in the Staheli house staying very busy, but having alot of fun. Having alot of Playdate with kids, Bill was released from the Bishopric after serving 3 1/2yr ( what a big change ) Kids love having daddy home more often. I was released from my calling a wk later, Bill was put in as the Early morning Seminary teacher:)Back to being busy again but in a different way. One Saturday afternoon we headed to the Bounce house with kids spent about 4hr there. Texas has been very hot so we do alot of swimming in the backyard.Visiting the Children Museum in Dallas,We had some Strong spring storm some with tornadoes in some, in one of the storm there was 10 touch the ground around us. Grandma Staheli Passed away (Bill's Grandmother) So headed to Utah for the funeral It was a very sweet & beautiful service, was able to stay couple day more to spend time with the family. My Sister Tushara wanted to come and spend time with for the summer, so she booked a fight now staying with us. What a joy it has been having her with us kids love have a someone new (not Mommy) it play with,We love having her with us :0 Came home for a couple day Pack-up headed to Houston TX for Brock & Stephanie Temple Wedding, while we was there visit Galveston, Beach,Moody Garden, We did alot of swimming at the hotel. Headed back on Sunday, on Monday it was the July 4th spent the day home that afternoon we headed to Hurst Park for fireworks.For now things are slowing down. I'm doing great the Pregnancy is going well:) baby is doing good, for the rest of the Staheli all Is well.
6 years ago