Well Elyse has turned the Big 2yrs old... We had here Birthday Party on March 17th just a little bit early. Because Bill was going to be gone for the weekend He had youth conference.
We had a Elmo party (she loves Elmo) we had a hand full of people come over. We open gifts and had Cake and Ice cream Here are some of the gifts she got, Elmo toddler bed, Clothing, Movies,Bubble Maker,Elmo cooking set, Books, Puzzles, Travel kit,Roller skates a lot more. She was spoiled, Elyse has a lot of people that love her so much.
Mom and Dad love her some much!!!!! Elyse is such a joy and light to are lives..... We are such proud parent to have her apart of are lives. We love you Elyse Happy Birthday Sweetie
The Staheli Family: Me and Bill have been married for 12 years, so we are getting old. We are from Utah, where we got married and Bill finished college. We then moved to Massachusetts to go to Law School. We lived there for 4 1/2 years. Then we moved to Fort Worth,Texas for Bill's job. We lived here about 4 year and got a little dog(Shi Tzu/Poodle mix) named Tonka. A year later, we had a little Girl (Elyse).17 months later we had a Little Boy (William)Almost 2yrs latter we had a Little Girl (Riley).2 1/2year latter we ended up getting a female (Shih Tuz puppy Daisy) Kids lovng every minute. 1yr latter now we have a little baby Girl (Sage) Our pride and joy! Your Mom & Dad are very Blessed to have you all to be apart of our family.