My water broke at 6:40am right before Bill was ready to walk out the door to head to work, Yay!! it was time to have a baby. Well we got the kids and ready to head to Dewey's home, we got up to the hospital 7:30am I was not having any contractions which was kinda crazy. The nurse check to make sure my water broke, about 40mins later they came and told us yes. So we started to get thing ready to have a baby. Got me all hook up I was still not feeling the contractions when I did have one it was not very strong, so the nurse gave me the opt to get a epidural even though the contractions not strong. So I did :) I did not want it to hit me later on. So the contraction got stronger about 1:45pm they check me and I ready. So I started to push and cough (I had a cough for the last month hanging around) so that was the joke was I was going to cough this baby out:) 2:07 Little baby girl was born it was a great surprise!! Me and Bill was thinking it was a boy the hold time. Which was wrong It's a Girl!! we named her (
Born: August 30th -Riley Anne Staheli- Weight 8lbs 7oz 20inch ) Both of us are doing great, we was doing so good we got to go home the next day! It always nice to be home. We all are doing great, William still not sure of Riley but he loves to give her kiss when she crys (William know he not the baby anymore) Elyse love to help me with Riley in every way she can. Welcome to our lttle family Riley!! You are a blessing to are family
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