Elyse on top of William (they had alot of fun with this pic)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Cute pic's
Posted by Staheli at 10:03 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 15, 2011
Baby #3 Sonogram Pictures
side view, face,belly,one arm,
Posted by Staheli at 3:38 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 4, 2011
Doctor Appt's
We had both Doctor Appt's for both Kids. Both are very health good to go:) Elyse 3yr old: Weight 37.1/2 pounds 95% Height 40 inch 95% William 19months : Weight 31 pounds 95% Height 34 1/2 inch 95% Yay!! So lets just say both kids are going to pass me up in height, they are going to be tall like there Daddy. Its funny every time we go in for there Well visits they are amazed how big are kids are. With Elyse they are amazed on the height she is for a girl, and William in height and weight he just my big solid boy. Both are doing good for there ages!!!
Posted by Staheli at 8:24 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Potty Training
So I'm soooo done with Elyse and Diaper's (I've tryed so many times to with Elyse a potty training from the age of two) So On Monday I had a hard core talk with her and said from today on Elyse is not going to wear diaper's any more they are for baby's and she not a baby anymore she turn 3yr old and now she a big girl. Earlier Monday morning she wanted to wear the pull ups. Kim gave me pull ups that if you pee it goes cold she went though 3 not really not working, the thought came to me well if She going to keep peeing I'm just going to put her in underwear and she learn sometime. That's when I had the talk with Elyse a said no more pull up or Diaper's. Monday we had 3 yay's and many opp's. by Tues 6 yay's less opp's by Wed 9 yay's 1 oop's from here on out she has been going pee in the potty and the only thing need to get is the stinky part that the only opp's day. She doing doing great. I guess all along I just need to have a grow up talk with her. Mom & Dad are very proud of her. Funny thing William is wanting to do it too. He done it 1 time and his face to priceless... Potty training so much fun:):)
Posted by Staheli at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Enjoying the nice weather.

Posted by Staheli at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Elyse Bday 3yr Old
Posted by Staheli at 9:09 PM 0 comments